All about Poke Radar

People need Poke Radar app because they want to find new Pokemon and battle with other people.

Poke Radar is an app that helps you track the locations of Pokemon in real time. You can use it to find Pokemon in your area, or to see where other players have found them.
All about Poke Radar

How to use Poke Radar

To use Poke Radar, open the app and select the “Poke Radar” tab. On this page, you can see a list of all the Pokemon in your area. You can also see how close each Pokemon is to you, as well as its CP and type.

How to set up

To set up Poke Radar, open the app and sign in. On the main screen, tap the three lines in the top left corner. Under “Settings,” tap “Poke Radar.” On the “Poke Radar” screen, you can:

– Select a region: In North America, Europe, Asia, or Australia/New Zealand.
– Enable or disable Poke Radar: To enable Poke Radar, slide the switch to the ON position. To disable Poke Radar, slide the switch to the OFF position.
– Set a start and end time for your radar: Tap on either of the time markers to set a start and end time for your radar.

How to uninstall

To uninstall Poke Radar, open the App Store on your device and locate the Poke Radar app. Tap on it and then select Uninstall.

What is it for

Poke Radar is a website that provides real-time information on the location and movements of Pokémon in the world.apps.

Poke Radar Advantages

1. The Poke Radar is constantly updated with the latest Pokemon sightings.

2. You can quickly and easily find all the latest Pokemon sightings in one place.

3. The Poke Radar is a great resource for tracking down rare and elusive Pokemon.

Best Tips

-To use Poke Radar, open the app and click on the radar icon in the top left corner.
-Poke Radar will show you a list of nearby Pokemon, as well as their levels, types, moves, and locations.
-To find a specific Pokemon, click on its icon and the app will take you to its information page.
-You can also use Poke Radar to track your own progress in catching Pokemon.

Alternatives to Poke Radar

1. Poke Radar for iPhone
2. Poke Radar for Android
3. Poke Radar for Windows Phone

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