People need Safari app because it is a web browser.
Safari is a web browser developed by Apple Inc. It was first released in 2003 as part of the Mac OS X operating system. The current version is 10.0.
How to use Safari
1. Open Safari on your Mac.
2. In the Safari toolbar, click the Web tab.
3. In the Web browser window, click the gear icon in the upper-right corner of the window, and then click Preferences.
4. In the Preferences window, click Security & Privacy.
5. Under Allow websites to request your location, select Always allow websites to request your location, and then click OK.
How to set up
1. Open Safari on your Mac.
2. Click the Safari menu bar and select Preferences.
3. In the Preferences window, click the Security tab.
4. Under Website Authentication, click the Enable Website Authentication button and enter your website’s login information. (If you don’t have a login information, you can create one by clicking the Create Account button and entering your website’s domain name and password.)
5. Click OK to close the Preferences window.
How to uninstall
To uninstall Safari, follow these steps:
1. Launch the App Store on your device.
2. In the App Store, tap on the Purchased tab.
3. Under Apps, find and tap on Safari.
4. Tap on Uninstall to remove Safari from your device.
What is it for
Safari is a web browser developed by Apple Inc. It was first released in 2003 as part of the Mac OS X operating system.apps.
Safari Advantages
1. Safari is fast and smooth, making it a great choice for users who are looking for a web browser that is easy to use.
2. Safari offers a variety of features that make it an excellent choice for users who want to keep their web browsing experience simple and efficient.
3. Safari is compatible with a wide range of devices, making it an ideal choice for users who want to access the web from any device they have available.
Best Tips
1. Use Safari to browse the web.
2. Use Safari to read online articles and books.
3. Use Safari to access your email and other online accounts.
4. Use Safari to shop for items online.
5. Use Safari to watch videos and movies online.
Alternatives to Safari
1. Firefox
2. Chrome
3. Opera
4. Safari
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